Case Study

OATUG Rebrand

Ready. Set. Activate! Launching A New Brand in Less Than a Month

Client: Oracle Applications & Technology Users Group (OATUG)


Increase in corporate membership sales


Increase in trial membership activations

The Oracle Applications & Technology Users Group (OATUG) is the world’s largest education, networking, and advocacy group for Oracle Applications & Technology users. OATUG helps users maximize their Oracle investments by connecting members to resources, tools, and each other.

Objective: The Oracle Applications & Technology Users Group’s (OATUG) lifeblood is its membership community. Its largest growth opportunity stems from its annual conference. This is where OATUG promotes its educational and community offerings to multi-national corporations, universities, and governments, comprising hundreds of Oracle users. To grow its corporate membership, the organization (previously known as OAUG, the Oracle Application Users Group) voted to rebrand to better reflect the true composition of its members, prospective members, and educational content – and enhance membership sales. The board made this decision just ahead of its 2019 conference.

Solution: With just one month to pull it off, our team boldly created a new brand and immersed attendees in a community experience. We designed a membership booth, OATUG Central, to serve as the brand activation site. This included beautiful halo signage, sleek demo stations, a community table/recharging station, and a fun 360° photo booth. During demos visitors discovered fresh website resources and explored a new online community forum, The Hub. To benefit from the element of surprise, attendee badges and other show elements used the old name and logo. Then we rebranded demo participants with a new OATUG logo sticker and ribbon for their badges, among other fun benefits. Though a “T” was added to the acronym, the new brand really places the member or “user” center stage, which we brought to life in multiple ways, such as the 360° photo booth, “Starring U,” for users.

Over 2,400 unique visits to the new website
20% increase in corporate membership sales
42% increase in trial membership activations

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